The price for membership is $40.00

We need everyone to join the Maximo Mooring Association so that the subdivision can be kept looking wonderful. Membership runs January 1 to December 31 of each year

We are now using Zelle pay.  Zelle is provided by the banks as a free payment system.  To use Zelle login to your bank online account and select payments using Zelle.  If you haven’t registered with Zelle you will need too.  Once in your banks Zelle pay by scanning the QR code below, or search Maximo Mooring Civic Assoc Inc. and  In the memo line please put the Last Name and Street Address.

Second option is the good old check method.

Make your check payable to: Maximo Moorings Neighborhood Assoc

Mail to:

Maximo Moorings Neighborhood Assoc.

4905 34th St, S. Box #207

St. Petersburg   FL  33711